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Make the Most of Your Annual Dental Insurance Coverage

October 9, 2017

glasses on dental insurance paperworkIf the thought of dental insurance coverage gives you a headache, you’re in good company. However, there are a few basics of dental insurance that can help you better understand your coverage. A good dental office team will also be happy to help you understand insurance coverage and file your dental insurance claims. As the year comes to a close, now is the time to use up any remaining dental insurance benefits before the plan resets, so keep reading to learn more about how to maximize your coverage.

What to expect from root canal therapy

August 15, 2016

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — Tags: , , — tntadmin @ 11:29 pm

Enterprise, OR root canal therapy restores an ailing tooth to full health and function. Learn what to expect from this reliable restoration.

Should you pull a tooth or save it? Dr. Tyler B. Schaffeld, Enterprise dentist, believes in saving natural teeth whenever possible. That’s why he performs precise and comfortable root canal therapy in his Enterprise, OR office. The treatment is painless and strengthens a sick tooth for years of service. (more…)

Don’t Miss Your Six Month Checkup!

March 11, 2016

six month checkupSo you brush well enough and floss most days — that should be enough to maintain good oral health, right? To put it simply, no. Excellent oral health demands you brush your teeth for two minutes, twice a day, floss daily and visit your dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. Are you meeting each of these requirements? If not, your oral health could soon suffer. Learn more about the importance of your six month checkup today!


120 S. River St., Enterprise, OR 97828 USA