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Emergency Dentistry

Our Enterprise dental practice is committed to offering emergency care. Are you in the middle of a serious dental emergency? Contact us immediately. We strive to provide patients with the attentive care. Whether you’ve just lost a permanent tooth, a temporary crown, or you're struggling with a severe toothache, we’re here to help. We also offer tips for managing your emergency until we can see you.

Some of the most common dental emergencies include:

Knocked-out Tooth

If you’ve just lost one of your permanent teeth, the first thing you should do is give our Enterprise office a call. We may be able to reattach your tooth if we can see you quickly. In the meantime, rinse your tooth and try putting it back in the socket it came from. If you’re unable to do that, store it in a bag or container of milk or water.

Broken Tooth

As with a knocked out tooth, give our office a call to alert us to your needs. Then, rinse your mouth gently with warm water. Finally, take a cold compress and apply it to the affected area. This will minimize swelling. During your visit with Dr. Schaffeld, we assess the damage to your tooth and make a treatment recommendation.

Broken Crown/Filling

If you have a broken crown or filling, rinse your mouth gently with warm water. Then, give us a call to let us know about your tooth. Our team would be happy to schedule a time for you to visit. If you have a temporary crown that’s come loose, you can temporarily reattach it with a small dab of toothpaste or denture adhesive.

Severe Toothache

If you have developed a toothache, try flossing around the tooth before you give us a call. If a piece of debris is responsible for your discomfort, flossing will help you dislodge it. Avoid using any sharp objects. If your pain persists, give us a call to schedule a consultation.